From low water use to LED lights

Our site and facilities are packed with sustainability-focused innovations. Our natural wetlands system means no waste water leaves the site; we generate our own electricity through the solar farm; all the buildings are fully insulated, temperature controlled and lit by LED lighting; we measure our usage on resources and clean using chemicals and methods that require less water. All our equipment is brand new so it operates in the most energy efficient way possible.

A growing need

There are only about 100 wineries in the UK and most are already operating at full capacity due to the bumper harvests of recent years. This, coupled with a growing demand for sustainable winemaking services from eco-conscious growers, has driven us to expand our original idea for the winery.

Initially, we only planned to produce our own wines under the Penn Croft Vineyards label. Well, we’re definitely doing that – check out the Penn Croft website here – but we quickly realised that we could offer a contract winemaking service to vineyards with no winery of their own. So not only are we proud to be producing our own sustainable wines, we’re delighted to be able to offer that service to all UK wine growers.